Decrease college style with the art of retro literary girls

Sunshine through the curtains of the gap, sprinkled on the bed, and sleepy eyes you intimate contact. Suddenly found to thank God for bringing us young and beautiful. Such a beautiful day, how can we not wear youthful clothing, taste their applause. The following for everyone to introduce two sets of college wind, reduce the playful, very attractive.

雪凡妮 - SOFANI

This fresh Floral Tank Top, colorful hit color, very pastoral style. Simple style, suitable for all types of girls. The following with a peach pink package hip dress, as the overall increase of a little sweet and playful. Yellow belt outlined a charming curve, the whole set is very college atmosphere.

减龄学院风搭配术 塑造复古的文艺女生

The front of the mix reflects the girl's sweet and stylish, but this set with different flavor, highlighting the retro literary Fan children. Gray soil shirt, with a low-key revival, lotus leaf collar embellishment for the overall increase of a few sweet. Ink blue skirt just right length is also very attractive. Bow decoration cute cute.

Picture from: Snow Vanni Women

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