How to lay a personality wallpaper

Part1: The small wallpaper university asks the wallpaper before the paving is prepared. In many people's impressions, compared with the paint, the wallpaper paving is simpler, keeping the wall level and clean, but it is not. Spreading wallpaper is not a simple matter.

1. Check whether the materials are qualified to check whether the purchased wallpaper is complete and consistent with the purchase quantity. Check that the construction materials are complete. Such as rubber powder, glue, protective tape and so on. It is necessary to pay attention to whether the wallpaper and glue have the "F☆☆☆☆ certification standard" certification.

“F☆☆☆☆ Certification Standard” is currently recognized as the highest environmental protection grade in the world. Only solid wood and aldehyde-free glue can be used to achieve this standard.

2. Confirm that the quality of the wall is up to standard (flat, smooth, moderate pH)

The construction wall surface is required to be clean and firm, smooth, dry, moderate in water absorption and neutral in pH. Check if the wall meets the above requirements.

After the wall surface is coated with the interface agent (moisture-proof material), it must be naturally dried for more than 15 working days.

3, do a good job of ground protection Generally, when the wallpaper is laid, the floor has been paved with floor tiles or floors. It is recommended to lay a layer of plastic film on the floor before laying the wallpaper.

Applying a film prevents the glue from falling directly to the floor, thus protecting the floor.

4, re-measure the size, in order to cut the measurement wall size, get the required wallpaper usage. The width of the wallpaper removed from the protective edge is the shortest effective distance of the wallpaper. The position from the top of the wall to the baseboard is the height of the paving, and the shortest effective distance of each wallpaper.

Part2: The process of paving the three-part seven-part shop should pay attention to the paving process, which also affects the paving effect. The so-called three-point material is divided into seven parts. Good construction technology is an important means of paving the ideal wallpaper.

1. When the wallpaper is cropped and cut, the single frame needs to be larger than the actual wall length, and the general distance is about 10 cm. The rest of the wallpaper can be saved for later patching.

If a complete wall has an additional location (such as a beam), this location is usually not paved and the effect is better.

2, the wallpaper glue softened with a scraper to evenly spread the glue on the back of the wallpaper, glue and paste the protective tape on the fold wallpaper, let the wallpaper soften for a while.

During the gluing process, the orange protective tape is laid, and when the folding is folded, the surface layer of the wallpaper is not glued.

3, paving wallpapers When paving wallpapers, you can use the instrument to judge the horizontal and vertical of the wallpaper, and pay attention to the surplus at the top and bottom edges.

When the wallpaper is laid, pay attention to the timeliness. If the glue starts to dry out and is strong, do not lift the wallpaper for correction.

4, wallpaper trimming cleaning in the overlapping part pay attention to the stitching of the pattern, and the overlapping parts of the wallpaper to cut. At the wire switch panel, straighten as much as possible.

The glue scraped from the wallpaper splicing and the glue on the panel can be wiped with a sponge.

5, the completion of the paving confirmation, the owner needs to accept the wallpaper paving, and properly keep the relevant documents signed and confirmed, especially the warranty certificate. Be careful when it comes to future warranty issues.

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