DOTACOKO 帛 can women 2017 summer new style elegant series

DOTACOKO Couture Women's Summer 2017 new style and elegant series designed with the concept of "simple, pop, fun", expressing "the Art Nouveau Movement", returning to the minimalist line of more free and modern style, adding neutral metal The material is embellished. In the elegance, it reveals a handsome fashion sense. It interprets the new attitude of contemporary independent women, and is simple, rational and stylish.

Girls Peacoat

In terms of matching, I would like to recommend get some basic and practical items: solid color T-shirts, thin coats, trousers, dresses. After you have these fixed items, you can learn to match different styles with the same single item, which can not only reduce the children's clothes too much and have no place to put them, but also save the mothers' phobia of matching choices.

Girls Peacoat,Kid'S Overcoat,Girls Topcoat,Children Peacoat

Dongguan Yumuran Garment Co.Ltd ,